Monday, March 19, 2007

The first worst day

Monday, 19/03/07, the first time Farros and I go to our daily activity after we have sick for almost 2 weeks.
Farros was going to school with so many tears... because he still wanted to stay at home. But Mum push him to go... and finally he arrived at school with happy face. He was doing right, but I thought he was so tired at school today. He had been sleeping after school for more than 3 hours, and slept until morning.

For me, the first day is very sadness. I am still feeling dizzy, with running nose and cough. Until Helen, who sat next to me said, it is better you go home and take a rest. Oh.... very terrible, especially when I vomited at office. But after that I felt so relieve, and I can continue working.

At 3 a'clock, I finished working, and I run away to the bus stop, because the snow was coming. SNOW??? Yes.. very heavy and unfortunately my coat without hood and I forgot to bring my umbrella... so I felt my head so hurt with the ice block from the sky. Oh.. God.. please forgive me... sorry I am tired to continue, my tummy is hurt and my body so weak.


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