Ya Allah terima kasih telah memberikan hambaMu yang hina ini menerima begitu besar anugerah, merasakan perasaan yang sudah lama tidak pernah terasakan lagi.
Begitu besar nikmat ini, Ya Allah, alhamdulillah. Semoga ini tidak hanya dalam angan-angan atau perasaan, tetapi nikmat yang benar2 Engkau kirim kepada hambaMu ini.
Ya Allah sempurnakanlah nikmat ini menjadi lebih barokah di jalanMu, bagi kebaikan hamba dan keluarga hamba. Dia begitu mempesona dengan teguhnya mengikuti jalan Islam, sholat...
When I see his tender lovely eyes, my heart bit so hard. For the first time when I see him in front of me. First day was a long meeting, that made me know him, look at him, talk to him.
Then he came again two weeks ago, I missed him so much, when I see him, I always see his passion eyes, and my heart bit.. bit... bit so fast, again and again because he talked to me and looked at me. It was a short time... I still missed him much when he left me......... then I keep text and email him to reduce this feeling.
Ya Allah please forgive me if I do wrong...... No, I think this feeling from Him, I never ask to get this feeling.
He came again for two days... a long wonderful day. I was very tired in my body, but my feeling was very very happy. I could close my body to him, then talking and enjoy his tender lovely eyes looking at me. But I never touch him, just 5 cm left behind me and him. Oh..I was really happy.
Then we talked about our interested matter... earthquake, seismic, non engineering building,... yes a heavy topic for people... but we enjoyed the conversation. I told him about what I had done and what I want to do. He also told me about what he done previously about what I have done... thus we can share each other.
Today we sent texts and email many time.. talking about Farros and also for join research. Hehehe.. yes you are right, I could tell him my feeling, but I told him about my situation, hope he understand what I said implicitly.
I don't want to loss him, but I don't want to push him.... so I just pretend that everything is just a multi relationship in our field... and not in our love life.
Hope I can get an idea, how to make him closer and closer to me. Please friends help me, tell him about my feeling.
Ya Allah, please protect and forgive me.
Amien... alhamdulillah.