Dear Friends,
Finally, I received a text from him this morning, it was giving me a smile in my face after feeling so blue.
I couldn't restrain my heart to get closer to him, so.. I called him with 'a technical' question, about the proposal. Wow... so wonderful... after almost 2 weeks, just received his texts and emails, I hear his voice again.
We talk.. talk.. with all the possibility of OUR research, until I have to meet my students... oh, silly student, why they are disturbing me?
After we got a conclusion, he promised me to find out the literature and will talk to me again........ oh.. he said AGAIN???? Oh.. he turn on me! lol
Then I was busy with all Lecturer's certification, filling QS forms and have a afternoon class. AND you know... during my class I received his texts again... a long texts, and I can hold down my heart to talk to him.
So I call him again.... almost an hour I talks to hims, with the previous idea for our research proposal. Then.....we have a NEW conclusion, that we will try to do a research about DAMPER.
Do you know damper? it is a equipment that can reduce the vibration usually during earthquake. I think I also need a damper to reduce a hard bit in my heart........ hehehe...
So, I can sing a lovely song again... lalalala..lilili...